Welcome to the United States (U.S.) Department of the Navy's website for the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Ammunition Pier and Turning Basin project’s Environmental Assessment (EA). For updates on construction activities, please visit the project’s Construction Update page on the base web site.
The U.S. Navy has prepared a Final EA for the proposed Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Ammunition Pier and Turning Basin project. The Final EA includes the Navy’s evaluation of the potential environmental impacts of constructing a replacement ammunition pier, associated waterfront facilities, causeway, truck turnaround, and a new public navigation channel. The Navy prepared a Draft EA in April 2017, which was released to the public for review and comment. During the project design phase, the Navy determined that certain design elements analyzed in the 2017 assessment would need to be updated and a Revised Draft EA prepared. The Revised Draft EA was released to the public in September 2018.
Project design changes included:
The proposed pier and associated facilities would replace the existing wharf, which is more than 60 years old, was built before the inception of modern seismic codes, and is past its design life. The new pier would be built to current earthquake standards, would be able to support future fleet requirements, and would provide greater separation between Navy operations and civilian transportation routes.
Based on data collected, the analysis presented in the EA, and coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, State Historic Preservation Office, California Coastal Commission (for coastal consistency determination), U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Regional Water Quality Control Board, and South Coast Air Quality Management District, the Navy has determined that implementation of the Proposed Action would have no significant impacts on the quality of the human, natural, or cultural environment, or generate significant controversy. As a result, an Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared.
Construction Update Project construction began in December 2019 and is currently ongoing. For the latest information please visit the the Construction Update page.
Errata Sheet and Revised Finding of No Significant Impact Issued The Navy has issued an Errata Sheet and a Revised Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to correct misstatements made regarding interagency coordination within the Navy's recently released Final Environmental Assessment and FONSI for the proposed Ammunition Pier and Turning Basin project. A public notice was published in area newspapers and other notices were distributed the public.
Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact Available to View The Navy has released the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Ammunition Pier and Turning Basin Final Environmental Assessment and Finding of No Significant Impact for public viewing. A public notice of availability was published in area newspapers, and other notifications were distributed to notify the public of the release of the Final EA and Finding of No Significant Impact.
The public comment period for the Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach Revised Draft EA was open from Sept. 28, 2018, to Oct. 29, 2018. The public was encouraged to submit comments on the Revised Draft EA during this period.
A project fact sheet is available and contains information about the project and the findings contained in the Revised Draft EA.